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Brand guidelines

York St John University brand guidelines

These guidelines are intended as a useful resource to help staff across the University maintain a strong and consistent brand identity in everything we do.

Lord Mayors Walk campus sign

These guidelines have been developed by the Marketing and Communications teams.

Some changes have been made to the previous brand guidelines. Many of these updates have been made for accessibility reasons, to reflect changing conventions in writing, or to make things more consistent and easy to understand.

The guidelines include:

  • A style guide for written communication
  • An introduction to our visual brand style
  • Guidance on how to work with the Marketing team to produce video, photo or graphic design assets
  • Inclusive writing guidance, developed in close consultation with various groups across the University
  • An overview of how we talk about York St John University, developed in reference to our established strategy and values. These are the core messages which provide the wider context to everything we write or produce to represent the University.

If you have any questions about these guidelines, please email

Style guides

Ceremony programmes on chairs in Minster

Visual style guide and downloadable assets

Close up of person writing on paper

Writing style guide

Close up of person typing on laptop keyboard

Social media style guide

How we write about York St John University

Students walking on path in front of campus building

Guidance to help focus your writing if you need to promote the University or explain our priorities and values to an external audience. This has been developed to reflect our 2026 strategy aims.

The guidance includes facts and figures you can use to back up our core messages.

Writing about York St John University

About the brand guidelines

These brand guidelines were last reviewed on 4 January 2023.